Our Initiatives
We’re working with a number of providers and collaborators in Te Hiku. Our initiatives for 2024 – 2025 are:
- Kia Taurima: A.N.T. (Te Aupōuri, Ngāti Kahu, Te Rarawa) Trust delivers a programme focusing on Māmā and pēpi health and wellbeing, including whānau engagement, advocacy, and support, quarterly wānanga, and service provider / sector co-ordination.
- Te Niho: An initiative coordinated by Te Hiku Hauora to reset oral health and prevent non-communicable diseases in Te Hiku.
- Wāhine Hauora: Uplifting women’s health in Te Hiku with a hauora and wellbeing programme based on Te Whare Tapa Whā model and mātauranga Māori, delivered by a collaboration led by StrongHer.
- Te Hiku Rongoā Māori Collective: Addressing health equity for rongoā Māori and increasing access to and availability of traditional medicine across a hub headed by Tuia Maara.
- Rangatahi Sports and Wellbeing Programme: Increasing the participation rates of young people in sports throughout Te Hiku through a programme designed and delivered by Native Sports.
- He Whare Āhuru: Te Hiku Housing Forum: A fully comprehensive initiative led by North Studios to build the platform for a shared housing strategy across Te Hiku through provider collaboration, while connecting Te Hiku whānau with providers via tono.nz.
- He Taura: Building up Te Hiku taitamariki to step confidently into their future worlds, providing opportunities for networking, leadership development and mentorship with The Moko Foundation.
- Rākau Ora: Providing after-hours access to spaces for Te Hiku adults and rangatahi needing immediate mental health support.
- Tāngata Whai Kaha: Te Houtaewa Māori Charitable Trust offering innovative support systems based in Rongoā Māori that nurture quality of life for whānau experiencing disability in Te Hiku.
- Te Papa o Tāne: A fitness and wellbeing kaupapa aimed at empowering tāne, delivered by a collaboration led by Mauri Services, that brings forward a realisation and consciousness around Mana Tāne for men in Te Hiku.
- Teen Parenting Programme: Specialising in awhi and parenting education for young parents and their whānau living in Te Hiku, led by Te Rarawa Anga Mua.
- Muriwhenua Wellbeing Festivals: One-stop-shop health and wellbeing events to celebrate hauora in Te Hiku and strengthen direct connections between health and wellbeing providers and whānau, delivered by Te Hiku Hauora.
- iMoko: Ensuring tamariki are empowered with sovereignty over their oranga and choices by providing health education and peer supports across kura kaupapa Māori and mainstream kura in Te Hiku with Navilluso Medical.